Denson, Lee - The South's Gonna Rise Again - CD

Lee Denson aka Jesse James
The South's Gonna Rise Again
Hydra Records BCK 27115
23 Rock & Roll and Rockabilly killers by the guy who teached Elvis to play guitar, boxed with Johnny & Dorsey Burnette for the Golden" Globe, and had Eddie Cochran as a session guitar player." 23 rare Rock & Roll-Titel von Lee Denson, der Elvis das Gitarrespielen beigebracht hat, den Burnette Brüdern boxte und Eddie Cochran als Studiomusiker hatte.
1. The South's Gonna Rise Again
2. Heart of a Fool
3. The Pied Piper
4. Red Hot Rockin' Blues
5. LoveTwister
6. It took too long
7. Rock Daddy Rock
8. Red Hot Rockin' Ralley
9. Twang
10. A tree in the Meadow
11. Devil Doll
12. High School Hop
13. New Shoes (feat. Eddie Cochran)
14. Climb Love Mountain
15. Who tickled the Sphinx
16. Teen Age World
17. The south's gonna rise again (Demo)
18. Mississippi Bridge
19. Sixteen States
20. The Miracle of the Rosary
21. A Mom and Dad for Christmas
Bonus Songs:
22. Heart of a Fool - Jerry Capehart with Eddie & Hank Cochran
23. The miracle of the Rosary - Elvis Presley