Jackson, Slim - Square Dancing Made Easy - CD

Slim Jackson & Promenaders
Square Dancing Made Easy
A 23237
Not only are Slim Jackson's renditions of traditional favorites like "The Arkansas Traveller," "Blow the Man Down" and "Buffalo Gals" engaging, but to an extent Square Dancing Made Easy even lives up to its title -- the disc doesn't make the dance easy, perhaps, but it is a fine introduction for beginners.
Progressive Circle: Get Acquainted / Name of Dance / Fisher's Hornpipe
Square Your Sets: The Arkansas Traveler
Hinky Dinky Parley Voo: Hinky Dinky Parley Voo / Vive l'Amour
Marching Through Georgia: Marching Through Georgia / O Susanna
Boomps a Daisy: Rig a Jig Jig / The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte ...
Bell Bottom Trousers: Blow the Man Down
You Did It So Well: When the Work's All Done This Fall
Farmer Gray: It Ain't Gonna Rain No More / Shoo Fly
Pop Goes the Weasel: Pop Goes the Weasel
Birdie in the Cage: Lazy Mary / Will You Get up / The Farmer in the Dell
Captain Jinks: Captain Jinks
Just Because: Just Because / Lil Liza Jane
Mexican Waltz: Chiapanecas
Patty Cake Polka: Buffalo Gals