Hep Cat Rockabilly

Hep Cat Rockabilly
Buffalo Bop BB-CD 55189
Rock and Roll On a Saturday Night - Dwain Bell
Hep Cat Baby - Gene Criss and The Hep Cats
I Won't Cry Alone - Bluegrass Ervin
Want To Be With You - Cliff Blakley
Mixed Up - Maddy Brothers
Long Time No See - Billy Luke
Rock Bottom Luck - Coy Werley and The Travelers
Man, What a Party - Walton and the Silver Lake Boys
Wild Side of Life - Rhythm Playboys vcl. Dewey Rothering
Big, Big, Truck - Harold Crosby
Sweet Talking Baby - Carl Tanner
Down Boy Boogie - Winnie Parker
Be-Bop Blues - Earl Epps
Sundown (Boogie) - Deral Clour and Charley Drake
My Walkin' Shoes - Dusty Payne
Cattin' Tonight - Tim Dinkins
Gonna Have a Party - Dickie Damron
I Want You - Dusty Payne
Alabama Boogie - Hank Mathews
I Don't Know - Gene Criss and The Hep Cats
I'm Gone - Gene Smith
Pitchin' Woo - Bill Johnson
Step Down - Jack Barlow
Stop Your Knockin' - Curley Money
One Little Kiss - Cuddles C. Newsome
All Night Dinner - George Garrish
Velvet Heart - Buddy Crawford
Many Tears Ago - Curley Money
Big Beat - Norm Seachrist
High Steppin' - Cliff Blakley