Cramped! Volume 1 - A Tribute To The Cramps - CD

Various Artists
Cramped! Volume 1
A Tribute To The Cramps
Raucous Records RAUCD 265
1. The Way I Walk - Rocket to Memphis
2. Domino - The Go-Katz
3. Rock On the Moon - Thee Waltons
4. Fever - Frank Gannon Trio
5. Goo Goo Muck - The Raymen
6. The Natives Are Restless - Goo Goo Muck
7. Green Door - The Go-Katz
8. Faster Pussycat - Crushers
9. You Got Good Taste - Sons of El Roacho
10. Blue Moon Baby - Fat Cat Trio
11. What's Inside a Girl? - Vince Ray & the Boneshakers
12. Get Off the Road - Lucky 13
13. The Hot Pearl Snatch - Goo Goo Muck
14. All Women Are Bad - Vince Ray & the Boneshakers
15. Ultra Twist - The Sabrejets
16. Naked Girl Falling Down the Stairs - The Devil Wrays
17. Cramp Stomp - Tokyo Cramps