Teen-Age Cruisers - Original Soundtrack Picture LP
Teen-Age Cruisers
Original Soundtrack - Picture Disc
The Cream Of California's Rockabilly Rebellion
PART 10-553.001
EAN 4015589000804
1. Johnny Legend - Are you hep to it?
2. Billy Zoom - Bad boy
3. Billy Zoom - Say when
4. The Blasters - Marie Marie
5. Ray Campi - The newest wave
6. Wildman Tony Conn - Hard knocks and tough rocks
7. Johnny Legend - California Rockabilly
8. Johnny Legend - Let's get goin'
9. Jerry Sikorski - Backseat boogie
10. Alvis Wayne - I wanna eat your pudding
11. Jackie Lee Waukeen Cochran - Hungry hill
12. Charlie Feathers - That certain female