Ford, Tennessee Ernie - Sixteen Tons - CD

Tennessee Ernie Ford
Sixteen Tons
Bear Family Records BCD 15487 AH
1. Milk 'Em In The Morning Blues
2. Country Junction
3. Smoky Mountain Boogie
4. Anticipation Blues
5. Mule Train
6. Cry Of The Wild Goose
7. My Hobby
8. Feed 'Em In The Morning Blues
9. Shot Gun Boogie
10. Tailor Made Woman
11. You're My Sugar (& KAY STARR)
12. Rock City Boogie
13. Kissin' Bug Boogie
14. Hey Good Lookin' (& HELEN O'CONNELL)
15. Hambone (& BUCKY TIBBS)
16. Everybody's Got A Girl But Me
17. Snow Shoe Thompson
18. Blackberry Boogie
19. Hey Mr. Cotton Picker
20. Kiss Me Big
21. Catfish Boogie
22. Ballad Of Davy Crockett
23. Sixteen Tons
24. The Rovin' Gambler
25. Blackeyed Susie