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Wa-Chic-Ka-Nocka - Buffalo Bop

Bb-CD 55011

Carl Phillips: Wigwam Willie
Art Adams: Indian Joe
Don Willis: Warrior Sam
Lenny & The Star Chiefs: Warpath
Bobby Tidwell: Cherokee stomp
Chuck Wheeler: Cherokee rock
Ralph Jerome: Indian rock and roll
The Warriors: War paint
Bruce Porter: Kaw-liga
Joe Jackson: Rock my warriors rock
Tommy Holmes: Wa-chic-ka-noka
Frank Cathey: Witchapoo
The Renegades: Geronimo
The Kellwoods: Indian squaw
Barry Darvell: Geronimo stomp
Tommy Downs: Big indian
The Royal Knights: Chief whoopin-koff
Tony Douglas: Geronimo
Eddie Smalling: Little brave
Chris Homer: Little bull and buttercup
Ronny & Johnny: Massacre
Arnold Bennett: Wahoo
The Impacts: Bobby sox squaw
Tom Brown: Tomahawk
Sammy Masters: Rockin' red wing
Gordon Wayne: Red wing
The Chieftones: Indian moon
Bobby Warren Five: Medicine man
Billy Bayou: Rattlesnake
Ronnie Brent: Cowboys and indians
The Musical Linn Twins: Indian rock