Imperial Rockabillies Volume 1

Imperial Rockabillies Volume 1
Big Tone Records BT 5708
1. Luman, Bob - Red Hot
2. Rogers, Weldon - So Long, Good Luck And Goodbye
3. Mack, Bill - Play My Boogie
4. Eldridge, Billy - Let's Go Baby
5. Williams, Lew - Bop Bop Ba Doo Bop
6. Strikes - If You Can't Rock Me
7. Kilgore, Merle - Everybody Needs A Little Lovin'
8. Allen, Bill - Please Give Me Something
9. Brown, Roy - Hip Shakin' Baby
10. Burnette Brothers - Warm Love
11. Perkins, Laura Lee - Don't Wait Up
12. Garner, Johnny - Didi Didi
13. Williams, Lew - Centipede
14. Miller, Warren - Everybody's Got A Baby But Me
15. Herrold, Dennis - Make With The Lovin'
16. Gowans, Sammy - Rockin' By Myself
17. Burnette, Johnny - Sweet Baby Doll
18. Perkins, Laura Lee - Oh La Baby
19. Garner, Johnny - Kiss Me Sweet
20. Strikes - Rockin'
21. Williams, Lew - Abra Cadabra
22. Kilgore, Merle - Ernie
23. Jones, Al - Loretta
24. Henslee, Gene - Rockin' Baby
25. Strikes - I Don't Want To Cry Over You
26. Lawrence Bros. Combo - Hey Baby
27. Herrold, Dennis - Hip Hip Baby
28. Perkins, Laura Lee - Kiss Me Baby
29. Luman, Bob - All Night Long
30. Strikes - Baby I'm Sorry