Rockin´ At The Barn - CD

Various Artists
Rockin' At The Barn
Dusty Records DUSTCD 1
1. Tuned Up - The Boilers
2. Hey Jeneane - The Hangdogs
3. Boogie Woogie Country Girl - Josie Kreuzer
4. Evil Doings - Elmer
5. Brand New Girl - Leeann Atherton
6. Little Girl Lost - Beat Rodeo
7. Can't Happen To Me - Barn Burners
8. Walk Tall Cowboy - Sheri Frushay
9. Hello, Honky Tonk - The Dew Daddies
10. The Powers Brothers - The Mollys
11. Burnin' Down - Daednecks
12. When You Coming Back, Red Ryder - Ronny Elliot
13. No Radio Playin' - Beth Williams
14. Hey, Maria - Billy Eli
15. Best Wishes - Last Train Home
16. Holliday Depression - Lucky 7
17. Sam Philips Boogie - Anders Umegard
18. One Step Ahead Of The Law - Debra Peters
19. Lonely Girl - The Boilers
20. Can't Love You Without Leaving - Cynthia Gayneau