Saturday Night on BOP STREET Vol. 1

Saturday Night on ... BOP STREET Vol. 1
BOP-CD 111
1. Bop Street/Gene Vincent & Bluecaps
2. Little Blonde Girl/Don French
3. Goodbye Little Star/Kenny Baker
4. You've Got Me/Wayne Walker
5. Kee-Ro-Ryan/Johnny & Jonie
6. Tootsie/Carl McVoy
7. For You/Rock 'N' Rollers
8. Hocus Pocus/Raiders
9. Rockin' By Myself/Sammy Gowans
10. Shake It Up/Sandy Scott
11. Just a Little Bit More/Frank Deaton
12. Nobodys Guy/Recalls
13. I Thought It Over/Joel Hill
14. It's No Wonder/Huelyn Duvall
15. I'm Gonna Love You/Kenny Baker
16. I Got the Bug/Kenny Owen
17. Little Lil/Mel Dorsey
18. Shake Um Up Rock/Benny Cliff
19. Tornado/Jiants
20. Big Black Train/Stan Johnson
21. Real Glad Daddy/Curtis Potter
22. Johnny Valentine/Andy Anderson
23. All I Can Do Is Cry/Wayne Walker
24. Till I Waltz Again With You/Bill Reader
25. Woodpecker Rock/Nat Couty & Braves
26. Hey Little Mama/Barker Brothers
27. Robinson Crusoe Bop/Sonny Cole
28. So Fine/Larry Trider
29. Come Along Little Girl/Aubrey Cagle
30. Pure Love/Curtis Lee