Saturday Night on BOP STREET Vol. 10

Saturday Night on ... BOP STREET Vol. 10
BOP-CD 010
1. Golly Gosh Oh Gee - Buzz Clifford
2. Let's Get It On - Hershal Almond
3. That Big Old Moon - Buddy Burke
4. Move - Cecil McNabb
5. What Happened Last Night - Johnny Donn
6. Tall Dark Handsome Man - Bobby Sisco
7. Daddy O Rock - Jeff Daniels
8. So Wild Over You - Herbie Smith
9. Hang Loose - Tommy Spurlin
10. Castro Rock - Jay Chevalier
11. Jukebox Queen - Ronny Keenan
12. Wine Wine Wine - The Emcees
13. Rockin' Little Eskimo - Bobby Swanson
14. Warm Love - The Bunette Brothers
15. Scratchin' - Jerry Neal
16. That's All Right - Ray Smith
17. Do Me No Wrong - Pat Cupp
18. Please Mr Mayor - Roy Clark
19. Great Shakin' Fever - Dorsey Burnette
20. Baby Please Don't Go - Troyce Key
21. This Is The Night - Buddy Thompson
22. Buzz Saw - The Gee Cees
23. You Don't Bug Me - Terry Daley
24. Cast Iron Arm - Peanuts Willson
25. Boppin' Wigwam Willie - Ray Scott
26. Reesie - The Recalls
27. That's What I Call A Ball - Larry Donn
28. Blue Black Hair - The Jades
29. Sweet Rockin' Baby - Sonee West
30. Little Bit More - Sleepy La Beef