Kaiser George & The Hi-Risers Transatlantic Dynamite! - R&RINC025CD 16,00 EUR
Kansas City Cryers - Gotta Roam Kansas City Cryers - Gotta Roam - 5060055810639 14,00 EUR
Kathy X - Ready For Anything - CD Kathy X - Ready For Anything - Cosmic Records CCD003 19,00 EUR
Kelf, Mark & Richard Howard Mark Kelf & the Rockin' Guitar of Richard Howard - Ballad of the Cleaver Boys - VAMPCD110 14,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - Blue Train To Darkness The Kentucky Boys - Blue Train To Darkness - PART 612.006 15,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - Cool Cat Bop - CD Kentucky Boys - Cool Cat Bop - Teddyboy Music Association TMACD001 14,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - Felt so wild - CD Kentucky Boys - Felt so wild - 4015589000354 - PART 612.001 15,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - I want it hot - CD The Kentucky Boys - I want it hot - 4015589000521 - Part Records 612.003 15,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - Live at the Rockabilly-Bop-Night Kentucky Boys - Live at the Rockabilly-Bop-Night Heidelberg - CD 13,00 EUR
Kentucky Boys - On The Run On The Run - PART 612.005 15,00 EUR
Kerr Donnelly Band - As The Curtain Falls 20/21 CD The Kerr Donnelly Band - As The Curtain Falls "20/21" - KDML Records KDB CD003 15,00 EUR
Keytones - back and beyond - CD The Keytones - back and beyond - Grover Records GRO-CD 501 - 4026763115016 19,00 EUR
Keytones - Shake Your Hips - CD The Keytones - Shake Your Hips! - Diego Records DRCD 003 - 4033481000289 15,00 EUR
Kid Ramos - Greasy Kid Stuff - CD Kid Ramos - Greasy Kid Stuff - Evidence ECD 26117-2 19,00 EUR
Kill Van Helsing - Alien Hotrod - CD Kill Van Helsing - Alien Hotrod - Western Star Recording Company WSRC 002 - 5060051820120 13,00 EUR
Killer Brew - MCG Vampirella Music CD Killer Brew - MCG 1020028-2 - Vampirella Music CD - 4027102002820 19,00 EUR
Kim and the Hurmio - Put The Blame On Me - CD Kim & the Hurmio - Put The Blame On Me - TCB-2121CD - 7332181004885 15,00 EUR
King Baker´s Combo - The Crest Sessions - CD The King Baker's Combo - The Crest Sessions - Crazy Times Records CTR CD 110 - 3760061146846 13,00 EUR
King Drapes - Haavanlehti / Kaupungin valot King Drapes - Haavanlehti / Kaupungin valot - 6420032200324 6,00 EUR
King Drapes - Hot Rock Teds - CD King Drapes - Hot Rock Teds - Rebel Music Rec. RM 5031 - 4260308420856 14,00 EUR