Strictly Instrumental Vol. 6
Strictly Instrumental Vol. 6
Buffalo Bop BB-CD 55099
EAN 4001043550992
1. Bobby Mizzell: Knockout
2. The Nobles: Black widow
3. The Runabouts: Lobo
4. Mike Pettit & The Stags: It's a reamer
5. The Runabouts: After effects
6. The Nobles: Jaguar
7. The Rock Kings: Runaway
8. Bernie Moore: Rock guitar, rock
9. The Darts: Rocking
10. Red Coats: Monogahela
11. The Diminshuns: Firewater
12. Percy & The Rockin' Aces: Dizzee
13. Red Coats: Midnight & Paul revere
14. Tree Tops: Tinkel bones
15. Rohny Lofton & The Damangos: El diablo
16. The Vi-Kings: Desert boots
17. The Royal Tones: Creeping thunder
18. Pete Ronstadt & The Nightbeats: Nightbeat
19. The Poor Boys: Driftin'
20. The Nevegan's: Russian roulette
21. S&H Scamps: Swampin'
22. Tony Sperry & The Quarter Notes: The shock
23. The Imperials: Avalanche
24. The Five Sounds: Clumsy dragon
25. The Strangers: This brave new world
26. Hank Hankins: Kentucky home rock
27. The Revels: Comanche
28. Night Owls: Stompin'
29. Jimmy & Stan: Tahiti
30. The Nevegan's: One armed bandit